Naturally Sugar-Free Toddler-Portioned Meals

The world health organization recommends not exposing children to added sugars until the age of 4 yrs old! It can be hard raising sugar-free kids. Especially if you don't want to give them artificial sweeteners.  But pediatric diabetes is on the rise and sugar can truly be an addiction, so it's worth it.  When my husband and I sit down for meals as a family, we let our son eat pretty much everything we eat (unless it contains artificial sweeteners or added sugar), but the following is a compilation of my go-to, well-balanced toddler breakfasts/ snacks/ meals that I feed my son.

Fruit-Sweetened Oatmeal:

1 medium pureed banana (or 1/2 cup applesauce)
1/3 cup fruit (I use frozen blueberries and include the juice after heating in the microwave)
1/3 cup rolled oats.
1 tbsp coconut oil or butter (optional, but I like adding a good dose of fat)

Directions: I mix it all together in the bowl and then microwave 1.5-2 minutes till the oatmeal is cooked.  My 17 mos son loves this!

Fruit-Sweetened French Toast:

1 egg (for eggless just use a pureed banana instead of an egg)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Water/ or milk as needed for consistency

1-2 pieces of whole wheat bread.


1. I mix the egg(or banana) with the cinnamon and water, and then soak the bread in it on both sides until all the egg is absorbed.
2. Cook in a greased skillet until golden on both sides.
3. Can slice into sticks or pieces for dipping
4. Serve with peanut butter, or dip below:

*French toast dip/ syrup:  
1 ripe banana pureed
(optional) 1 tablespoon butter or coconut oil
(optional) 1/4-1/2 cup blueberries or other fruit (fresh or frozen) pureed or whole
(optional) 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
(optional) 1/2 tsp lemon juice
Directions: I combine all ingredients in food processor and then heat in the microwave.  Use right away.

Bananas, Peanut Butter and Cocoa:


1 sliced banana
1-2 tbsp natural peanut butter (no sugar added)
1 tsp cocoa powder

Directions: I slice the bananas, drizzle and mix with the peanut butter until coated, then I dust with the cocoa powder.  Yum!

Fruit-sweetened Pancakes Topped with Fruit:

1/2 cup oat flour (or flour of choice)
1 pureed banana or 1/2 cup applesauce
1 egg
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp baking powder
(optional) fresh or frozen blueberries/fruit 1/4-1/3 cup

Directions:  Mix together ingredients. Pour onto a greased griddle and cook until browned on both sides.  Serve with fruit topping or banana syrup. Makes 4 pancakes.

*Fresh fruit topping:
1 pureed banana
(Optional) 1/4-1/2 cup frozen or fresh fruit
(Optional) 1 tbsp butter or coconut oil
(Optional) 1/2 tsp Cinnamon or to taste
(Optional) 1/2 tsp lemon juice
Directions: Combine together and microwave until hot. 

Salsa and Cheese Scramble

1 egg
2 tbsp salsa
2 tbsp cheese

Directions: Mix together and then cook in a skillet just like you normally would do for scrambled eggs!  My son gobbles this up.

Other Quick Healthy Meal Ideas:

Carrot chips with hummus:  I got so excited when I saw that many stores sell carrots (for instance, Walmart) chopped into ripple chip shapes!  How fun.

PB & B whole wheat sandwich:  I mash up half a banana and use that instead of jelly with unsweetened peanut butter on whole wheat bread. This is a treat that I often will also eat if I want something sweet.

Hummus on whole wheat toast: My son LOVES hummus.  You can make it a whole wheat wrap as another variation and add lettuce or veggies like carrots, bell peppers or cucumbers.

Toasted cheese on whole wheat toast: can fold to make a cheese sandwich instead and dip in salsa (another favorite for my son). 

Hummus and Tomato Whole Wheat Sandwich: Delicious and so good for our little ones!

Cheese and Tomato Whole Wheat Sandwich: Especially with sharp cheddar cheese or colby jack.   SO good!

Bean Pasta with Tomato Sauce of Choice:  I use lentil pasta and mix it with vodka sauce from Trader Joes or Aldi (look for low/ no sugar sauces). So easy! High in protein and fiber.

Bean Pasta Mac and Cheese: mix bean pasta with shredded cheese and a little milk (or butter), salt and pepper.  Microwave cheese and milk first to make sauce, then add your pasta. Much healthier than regular mac and cheese thanks to the bean pasta (high protein and fiber).

Sweet Potato or Russet Potato with Salsa and Cheese on top:  Just microwave the potato for 5-7 minutes in the microwave, top with salsa, cheese, or you can serve it plain with olive oil and salt and pepper.

Sweet Potato, Black Bean and Corn Salad:  Dice a sweet potato and cook (about 5 minutes in the microwave), mix in half a can of black beans, and half a can of corn (no sugar added), add favorite salsa to taste.  Super easy!

Also check out my other kid-friendly recipes on this blog.  I often will let my son have gookies (good+cookies) for breakfast, snacks, or meals - because they are that healthy!

Here are links to some of my recipes that are also sugar and artificial sugar-free:

My Favorite, Easy Black Bean and Sweet Potato Enchiladas.

Healthy Tuna Salad (No Mayo)
