Nutrition Dense Hot Chocolate!

Sometimes I just want chocolate.  Sometimes I want to drink hot chocolate. But hot chocolate is basically like drinking a ton of empty calories.  This is what I do instead.  It gives me my hot cocoa fix, while still allowing me to feel confident the calories are FUELING my body with healthy omega 3 fats (more than your daily needs in one cup!), protein, fiber, calcium, and lots of antioxidents!

My Healthy Hot Cocoa (220 Calories)


1.5 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk
2 tablespoons pb2
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
2 tablespoons chia seeds
Sweetener of your choice (optional)


Blend almond milk, pb2 and cocoa in blender. You could also blend the chia seeds in if you don't like their texture. Personally, I like them unblended, though.

Pour into mug and heat in microwave, or you can heat on the stove, if you prefer--but I'm too impatient for that.

This is not very sweet, which is ok with me, but if you prefer sweeter hot cocoa, you can add sweetener  of your choice to taste.

Tags: Paleo, Ketogenic, keto, breastfeeding, postpartum weightloss, increased milk supply
