Refrigerator Magnets Schedule DIY Project

I'm now a mom of two and the days can start to melt together in monotony.  Decided to try to give us a little more consistency and tap into my need for creativity. Behold our refrigerator magnet schedule! This  project took me longer than I anticipated thanks to constant kid interruptions 😂. Thought it would be a day project and it took me almost a month instead! But it was fun, nonetheless! Thought it would be a fun way to plan our days and allow Romo (my almost 2 year old) to feel like he has some choices and control as well. 

Create and color!  Older kids could probably do this too!

Cut out:


Glue magnets to the backs and use!

Example day:

So now at the beginning of each day, my son and I have a planning session.  I put up the non-negotiable things ahead of time (napping for sure!), but then I let him choose the rest of the day.

It's been a fun activity in itself.  It's teaching him about waiting and how time works, as well.

If you'd like to use my images for personal use instead of making your own, you are welcome to:
(please don't post anywhere without linking to my blog)

Just click each image, follow link, and then right click next to the image and select print.

Black and White (for coloring! Colored pencils or markers are best for laminating after!):

