My Go-To Sandwiches/Wraps

Sometimes, when you are initially trying to lose weight it can be hard to think about what to eat, because you can't get unhealthy options out of your brain to think of healthier choices.  This is a list of different things I'll eat as a sandwich or wrap.

The nice thing about these go-to sandwich ideas, is that not-only are they tasty and nutritious, they are also low cal so they work really well in a frequent small meals capacity.  I usually eat around 6 small meals a day (or about Q2 hours).

All of these ideas can be used for whole wheat sandwiches or whole wheat wraps.

Although these are naturally low in calories, if I'm trying to cut down my calories even more, I will use 100% whole wheat fit and active bread (from Aldi) which is only 70 cals for 2 slices.

PB and B: this is what I eat when I am struggling with a sweet tooth.  I mash up half a banana (50 cals) and use as my "jelly" along with unsweetened peanut butter (1 tablespoon= 100 cal).  Calories not counting bread/wrap= 150.

Hummus and Tomato:  4 tablespoons hummus (140 calories) and 1 roma tomato sliced (22 calories). Calories without bread = 162

Cheese and tomato:  2 slices cheddar cheese (140 calories) and 1 roma tomato sliced (22 Calories). Calories without bread = 162

Hummus and and shredded carrots: 4 tablespoons(1/4 cup) hummus (140 calories) and 1/2 cup shredded carrots (25 calories). Calories without bread = 165

Hummus and spinach: 4 tablespoons(1/4 cup) hummus (140 calories) and 1 cup spinach (10 calories). Calories without bread = 150

Hummus and green bell pepper: 4 tablespoons(1/4 cup) hummus (140 calories) and 1 sliced bell pepper (25 calories). Calories without bread= 165

Egg, cheese and mustard: This is my go-to breakfast--usually on a whole wheat English muffin.  1 egg (70 cals), 1 slice cheddar cheese (70 calories), and 1 tablespoon mustard (0-15 cals).  Calories without bread= 140-155

Turkey, hummus and veggies:  I use one serving of deli turkey (70 calories--check the label), 2 tablespoons hummus (70 calories), and usually 1/2 cup carrots (25 cal)  or spinach (5 cal) or both (30 cal).  Calories without bread= 145-170

If I want to up the protein in any of these, I often will add a hard-boiled egg(70 cals) or serving of turkey (70 calories).  
