Puzzle pieces, military brat life, and unanswered expectations

So the fam has moved once again. I love returning to the DC area. It was by far my favorite place we've lived, and when I heard we were returning, I got so excited. It seemed so nice to be able to actually move somewhere that we already knew people. I love my family - REALLY, I do. BUT I am a very social person, and I really was missing the chance to hang out with people OUTSIDE the family on breaks. We've moved every year I have been at school. So every time I've come home for breaks the only folks I actually know are my family, and whoever I meet over that break. Finally I get to see some old FAMILIAR faces!

Of course, returning to places is always different from how you picture it. I always paint such glorious pictures in my head of optimistic expectations. I always seem to forget the fact that you can't just pick up where you left off. Life has happened. People change. People are busy and have lives that are busy with other things. My head pictures a puzzle. When we moved away we took away a puzzle piece. My unrealistic expectations ignorantly anticipated returning to the puzzle with our piece still missing - the empty spot just waiting for us to fill it and for things to go back to the way they were. In reality, the puzzle we return to is no longer missing any puzzle pieces and even has changed shapes. Other people and things have filled the hole we left. Everything seems to be running just fine without us. So, at least for the initial first few months, we exist as onlookers trying to determine where we will be able to fit in this NEW puzzle. It is not a bad thing. This sort of change has almost always resulted in ultimate good. It's just not COMFORTABLE... and my selfish SELF likes being comfortable.

Speaking of uncomfortable. Job searching is crazy when you do it in the middle of the summer. HOWEVER, I hate not being busy. I feel like a lazy butt. I feel useless without a schedule. So I decided to at least start volunteering at a nearby military pharmacy. I think that will be pretty awesome. I'll be working with a bunch of retirees and military folks. =D LOVE IT!

Speaking of the military... I really think I want to join the Air Force medical reserves after school. I love the military medical atmosphere!!!

